Coming of the American Revolution banner pastiche of images from MHS collections

The Coming of the American Revolution: 1764 to 1776

× The Sugar Act The Stamp Act The Formation of the Sons of Liberty The Townshend Acts Non-consumption and Non-importation The Boston Massacre The Formation of the Committees of Correspondence The Boston Tea Party The Coercive Acts The First Continental Congress Lexington and Concord The Second Continental Congress The Battle of Bunker Hill Washington Takes Command of the Continental Army Declarations of Independence


Thomas Paine

29 January 1737 - 8 June 1809

Thomas Paine was born in Thetford England. As a revenue officer for the British government, Paine witnessed firsthand the plight of ordinary people during the economic slump of the 1760s. During this time he joined a political discussion group and penned his first pamphlet, a plea for higher salaries for revenue officers. After losing his job in 1774, he sailed to Philadelphia and became editor of the Pennsylvania Magazine. He was eager to support the American cause and worked closely with patriot leaders who suggested that Paine write a pamphlet supporting American independence. Common Sense, published in January 1776, presents a straightforward argument against British governance of the colonies. Unlike most political writing of the time, Common Sense was written for the average citizen, and it had an enormous impact on public opinion. During the Revolution, Paine served in the Continental Army and held several government posts. By the 1780s, his pamphlets focused on American economic development and the necessity of a strong federal government. He spent his later career in England and revolutionary France, and his increasingly radical writings eventually tarnished his reputation in America.

Funding from the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati supported enhancements to this website.

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