Adams, John Adams, Abigail
John Adams to Abigail Smith
Tuesday 17th. April 1764

Yours of April 15th. this moment received. I thank You for it—and for your offer of Milk, but We have Milk in vast Abundance, 还有我们需要的一切,就是不需要陪伴.


你无法想象我和哥哥生活得多么幸福. We have, as much Bread and as much new pure Milk, as much Pudding, and Rice, 事实上,每一种粉状的东西,我们喜欢吃多少就吃多少——我们吃的药一点也不恶心, or painfull.

And our Felicity is the greater, as five Persons in the same Room, under the Care of Lord And Church,1 是极度饥饿和药物治疗吗. 不准吃面包,不准吃布丁,不准喝牛奶.e. no pure and simple Milk, (他们被允许喝一半牛奶和一半水的混合物)每隔一天,他们就会被粉末折磨,使他们病得像死一样,虚弱得像水一样. 据我所知,这一切对他们来说可能是必要的, 因为大人公开反对接种前的任何准备. 在这一点上,我承认直到最近我才完全同意他的看法. But Experience has convinced me of my Mistake, and I have felt and now feel every Hour, 相反学说的优点和智慧.

Dr. 塔夫斯和你哥哥今早来找过我们. 虽然他们又瘦又弱,但他们都非常健康和愉快.

Messrs. Quincy's Samuel and Josiah,2 have the Distemper very lightly. I asked Dr. Perkins how they had it. The Dr. answerd in the style of the Faculty “Oh Lord sir; infinitely light!” It is extreamly pleasing, says he, 无论我们走到哪里,我们都看到每个人都在经历这场巨大的瘟疫, in the lightest, easiest manner, conceivable.

The Dr. meaned, 用新方法接种犬瘟热者, for those who have it in the natural Way, are Objects of as much Horror, as ever. 这附近有个穷人,名叫巴斯,现在正用自然的方法在干活. 他正在康复中,但却是最令人震惊的景象,可见一斑. 他们说他既不像人,也不像猪或马,膨胀到他的三倍大, black as bacon, blind as a stone. I had when I was first inoculated a great Curiosity to go and see him; but the Dr. 说我最好不要出去,我的朋友们认为这会使我很不愉快. 我的叔父养育了一个刚以自然的方式恢复过来的维尼亚人来看看我们,并向我们展示. 他的脸被撕成了碎片,像布伦特里公地一样粗糙.

这种反差永远在全镇人的眼前, Yet it is said there are 500 Persons, who continue to stand it out,3 in spight of Experience, the Expostulations of the Clergy, both in private and from the Desk, the unwearied Persuasions of the select Men, 以及人民永远的喧嚣和惊讶, 以自然的方式让自己暴露在这种热中!—Is Man a rational 34Creature think You?-良心,因为真理和顾虑是原因.—I should think my self, a deliberate self Murderer, 我的意思是,我招致了所有蓄意自杀的罪恶感, 只要我能留在这个城里,有机会以自然的方式得到它,那就好了.

Mr. 麦被打破了,现在他在牌桌上自娱自乐. 他将无法超过一两分. Badger has been pretty lazy and lolling, and achy about the Head and Knees and Back, for a Day or two, and the Messengers appear upon him, 预言了大约24年瘟疫的完全出现. Hours.

Thus We see others, Under the symptoms, and all the Pains that attend the Distemper, under the present Management, every Hour, 既不惊惶,也不惊惶, or dispirited. 但我们每个人都希望下一个轮到他吗, that it might be over, and we about our Business, and I return to my Farm, my Garden, but above all, to my Diana who is the best of all Friends, And the Richest of all Blessings to her own


我该怎样感谢你妈妈和你本人,感谢你们对我的关心和照顾呢. 我非常感谢你给我牛奶和苹果. 但我不希望你们再麻烦自己,因为我们有足够的, a plentiful supply, of those, 以及神所许给我们的一切美事. 香脂是一种需求非常大且非常稀缺的商品, here, 我们中有许多人可以喝到它那鼓舞人心的药水, so that my Unkle, Aunt, 所有在他们屋檐下的病人都会很感激, as well as myself, if you could send me some more.

I received Your agreable Favour by Hannes, this Morning, and had but just finished My Answer to it, when I received the other, by Tom.

我从来没有收到过你的来信,没有一颗振奋的心和一颗快乐的心. 我很想听你说的话——你答应过下次告诉我的. What can that Thing be? thought I. 我忙碌的想象力会对它进行推测和猜测, night and day, I suppose, 直到你的下一封来信揭开谜底. You are a wanton, malicious, 你把我放在这个益智游戏里一两天,我该怎么称呼你呢, when you might have informd me in a Minute.

我向你保证,你最好重新考虑一下,收回你那大胆的讲话. For I assure you there is another Character, besides that of Critick, in which, if you never did, you always hereafter shall fear me, or I will know the Reason why.

Oh. 现在我想,我决定很快就给你写信 35详细叙述我在你身上观察到的许多缺点. 你还记得我在以前的一封信里给过你一个提示,说我注意到了一些. 当你发现它们的数量时,你会感到惊讶的.

顺便说一句,自从我来到这个城市,我就听到了一些对你不利的暗示, which I will inform you off, as soon as you have unravelled Your Enigma.

We have very litle News, 在城里也很少谈论任何事情, 而是那个在城堡里杀了一个病人的冒牌货, as they say. The Town divides into Parties about it, and Each Party endeavours to throw the Blame, as usual, where his Interest, or Affections, prompt him to wish it might go.


The Persons talked of are Dr. Gelston,4 Mr. Wm. Greenleaf, the Apothecary who married Sally Quincy, and the Serjeant, French a Braintree man, 据说是谁把药从药剂师那里送到医生那里的. But I think the Serjeant is not much suspected. 不管怎么说,到底有没有人应该受到责备,这在我看来是一个争论.

Make my Compliments to all the formall, give my Duty to all the honourable, and my Love to all the Friendly, whether at Germantown, Weymouth or Elsewhere, that enquire after me, 请相信我对你的爱是不变的.

J. Adams 40 minutes after one O. Clock Tuesday April 17th. 1764

RC (Adams Papers).


Benjamin Church (1734–1776)1754年毕业于哈佛大学,医生、诗人、政治家和爱国事业的叛徒。 DAB ).


Samuel (1735–1789) and Josiah (1744–1775), sons of Col. Josiah Quincy (1710–1784); both lawyers and both close friends of JA. See Adams Genealogy.


值得注意的是,这几乎正是一位现代学术研究者估计的波士顿在没有自然感染或接种天花的情况下幸存下来的居民人数. See John B. Blake, Public Health in the Town of Boston, 1630–1822, Cambridge, 1959, p. 244. Blake's figure is 519, 尽管他认为其中大多数人“在疫情的大部分时间里都不在城里”.”


Samuel Gelston (d. 1782), of Nantucket, 当时是波士顿港威廉堡接种医院的住院医师( NEHGR , 28 [1874]:437–438; Vital Records of Nantucket, Boston, 1925–1928, 5:328). On this controversy see also Cotton Tufts to AA, 19? April, below. An interminable series of letters concerning it, contributed by William Greenleaf, Samuel Gelston, Jonathan Sewall, and Robert Treat Paine, was published in the Boston Gazette, 23 April–16 July 1764.