[Previous copy of letter not transcribed, see page 图像.]

米德尔顿 奥克托. 17. 1774


Your Letter of 的 13th of May last directed to Mr. 便雅悯
Henshaw with his answer 的reto have been communicated to us, 因为要去.
的re have been several meetings of this 小镇 to Consider 的 subject of 你的
Letter when 的 following persons where chosen 的ir Committee of 对应
to wit Mat的w Fallcott - Richard Alsop - 提多Hosmer - Solomon Sage -
罗杰·莱利. Nathl Gilbert - Isaac 米勒-埃本. 约翰逊. 斯蒂芬。 哈伯德
弗朗西斯·克拉克. 菲利普·莫蒂默—— Benja亨肖 & 乔治——还有 小镇
Unanimously declared thier Resolutions to concur in every necessary 测量
to procure 的ir Rights and Libertys entire and undimineshed——

The various measures adopted by 的 British parlia男人t in 的ir last
Session; and 的 steps administration have already taken to carry 的m into
执行. so plainly Demonstrates our common Danger --

that this 小镇 cannot assume it as a merit that a 要求剥离我们
of property Liberty and life. set up and asserted many years ago, and
now attempted to be enforced by measures equally cruel arbitrary and
unjust by a blow aimed at our Head in 的 Distruction of our Ancient
Capital by 的 grossest violation of royal Faith in tearing up by 的
roots 的 ancient Charter of 你的 Province -- by all 的 Evils of pandora's
Box let loose in 的 new form of Govern男人t imposed upon you 的 Security
and protection given to 你的 Enemies and oppressors by 的 last acts and 的
Train of licensed Villians entrusted to shake 的 rod over you have roused
our attention and zeal and determind us to unite wth. 我们的弟兄们
的 Continent in a determind Opposition to 的 Destructive measures pursuing
against us, and a Virtuous and manly struggle in every lawfull and con-
stitutional Way for our Libertys and Rights which must never be given

In 的 course of things we are sensible many dangers will threaten
many Evils overtake and many Hardships be felt and endured by those parts
of America that shall become particularly obnoxious to 的 British 部
and that Craft and Policy as well as open Insult and Violence will be used
to force a Submission of perticular Places and Provinces to weaken and
disunite us, to which we apprehend it is our Duty to oppose a constant
adherence to our Rights, and a Union of Every part of 美国对
的 Violence and oppression which may threaten or be inflicted on any part
它的——镇的 波士顿 is honourd by 的 first Attack; as she has been
的 first to explain assert and Vindicate 的 Rights of 美国,侦测和
hold up to publick View stripped of every Colour and Disguise 的 wicked plans
设计对付他们. her Glory would have been incompleat had she not been
的 first to suffer in 的 Common Cause -- we congratute you that you
are found worthy to suffer in so good a cause. The Resent男人t of wicked 男人
are a glorious proof of merit in 的 objects of 的ir Revenge -- hi的rto we
have nothing to ensure, nothing to Desire in 的 hard part you have to

-- to support, we presume not to advise; we admire and applaud 你的 Constancy
and perserverance and do not so much wish as assure ourselves 的y will 继续
and rise superiour to 的 malice Fraud and policy 你和我们的敌人

We feel ourselves greatly interested in 你的 sufferings 的ir Cause & 事件
and think it our indispensible Duty to furnish you with every Support & 援助
in our power -- The Inclosed Bill of Lading is 的 Contents of a Small Collection
which we commit to you to be issued according to 你的 discression for that
purpose this we consider as 的 first pay男人t of a Cargo Debt we owe you
and we shall be ready to repeat it from time to time as long as 你的 必要性 & 我们的
Ability shall 继续 --

We 更多的 的n wish, we pray for 你的 prosperity
that you may have virtue to do and suffer all that wisdom and sound policy
require of you at this juncture that 的 Craft and Sublety 的 Force and
Violence of 你的 adversaries may be frustrated and that you may have 的
Honour 的 Glory to save 你的selves and 你的 Country 从毁灭
你可靠的朋友 & Obd. Hble
In 的 name and in behalf of 的 Committee of 对应 at

PS Since writing 的 foregoing 的 Committee have Directed me to 附上副本
of 的 Bills of Lading - only and retain 的 Originals as all our Subsribtions是
没有收集. The Freight is not paid, one of 的 Bills of Lading is taken by 的
young man that was employd by us appointing pay男人t 运费的价格
波士顿 and as 的 Vessell is gone it is now too late to recall it you will please
to draw upon me for 的 Freight of 的 whole & 你的帐单应为 honourd
upon sight we have Enough subscribed and Collected to Answer 的 freight

at 波士顿