Extract of a letter from Charlestown, South Carolina,
Dec. 2, 1765.

" The Petitions which were drawn up at the Con-
gress were agreed to, without any Alteration, and
signed afterwards by our Assembly. The Members
who attended at New York, have received the Thanks
of the House, and are re elected again. At present
every thing is very quiet here; our Liberty Boys be-
ing content to keep out the Stamps, do not injure, but
protect, the Town; for some Time ago a Parcel of
Sailors, having a Mind to make the most of this Sus-
pension of Law, formed a Mob, to collect Money of
the People in the Streets; but these Sons of Liberty
suppressed them instantly, and committed the Ring-
leaders to Goal. While they act thus cooly and de-
terminately, we have little Reason to fear they will
give up the Point, especially as the Country People are
all unanimous in it; besides we have had an Offer of
the whole Force of North Carolina, should it be wan-
ted -- At Bermuda they had taken the stamps,

but hearing what was done on the Continent, they took
Measures to prevent any more being issued -- It is
said that Admiral TYRREL has declared, he will not
meddle with any Vessels for Want of Stamp Papers."