



The 阿瑟·阿萨赫·舒尔克利夫的论文 are stored offsite and must be requested at least two 提前一个工作日通过 Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should 提供额外的提前通知. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or reference@lcwk.net.



This collection includes journals, diaries, genealogical accounts, family papers, published and unpublished writings, biographies, and the autobiography of Arthur A. 波士顿景观设计师Shurcliff说. There is also correspondence, both personal and pertaining to professional work, including Metropolitan District 委员会 (波士顿) projects, Colonial Williamsburg, 老斯特布里奇村, Plymouth Rock, and 夸宾水库(马萨诸塞州.), as 还有私人地产工作. 记者包括他的父亲亚米. 这是他的弟弟 牧师. 阿尔弗雷德维. K. shuttleff和妹妹Gertrude H. 沙特尔夫,亚历山大和威廉·詹姆斯, 兰登·沃纳,雅克·巴赞,阿尔伯特·B. 和J. 切尼·威尔斯,约瑟夫·G. 迪尔林和纳尔逊. 洛克菲勒.


Arthur Asahel Shurcliff (1870-1957) was born Arthur Asahel Shurtleff in 波士顿, 质量achusetts. 1930年,他改变了他的 name to Shurcliff to conform to the old English spelling. 他追求 engineering at the 质量achusetts Institute of Technology and graduated in 1894. 授予后 with Charles Eliot and Frederick Law Olmsted, he enrolled at Harvard University to do graduate 从事景观设计工作. When he graduated in 1896, he went to work for the Olmsted firm 在马萨诸塞州的布鲁克林. 1899年,他和小弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德. 形成了第一个 four-year course of landscape architecture in the country at Harvard. 1905年,他结婚了 玛格丽特·霍默·尼科尔斯博士的女儿. 和夫人. 波士顿和康沃尔的亚瑟·霍华德·尼科尔斯, 新汉普郡. In that year, Shurcliff also established his own landscape practice in 波士顿.

Shurcliff served as president of the American Society of Landscape Architects from 1928-1932. His work included major work for the Metropolitan District 委员会 and the Metropolitan Planning Board in 波士顿 in the fields of town planning, engineering, and landscape and park 设计. He was the chief landscape architect for the restoration at Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, from its inception in 1928 until 1941. 他还曾在波士顿艺术学院任职 委员会.

He practiced landscape architecture, 设计ed and built furniture (with his wife Margaret), painted and sketched and invented various labor-saving devices until within a year of his death in 1957.


The Shurcliff collection consists of 11日记录 纸箱 of papers. 它的一部分是专用的 to family history, records, photographs, and personal correspondence. 几个盒子里装着他的 correspondence with his sister Gertrude Hope Shurtleff and with his brother 牧师. 阿尔弗雷德维. K. Shurtleff. Also included in his correspondence are exchanges with his two friends Alexander and William James (sons of the philosopher William James) and with Langdon Warner, professor of Asian art at the Fogg Museum, Harvard University.

与J的通信. G. Deering and Nelson 洛克菲勒 reflects his work for them. 与 阿尔伯特·B. 韦尔斯和J. Cheney Wells, the letters combine his personal relationship with them, his work on their private estates, and his work on their restoration/reconstruction village, Old Sturbridge村. Several boxes contain general correspondence which runs from personal 专业交易的交换.

Correspondence also reveals aspects of his work at Plymouth Rock, Plymouth, 质量achusetts, and 在威廉斯堡. Included in the Williamsburg material is a book called “南部的地方,” which is a portion of the large tome he produced for the Williamsburg Corporation to aid in the 恢复过程. His work for the Metropolitan District 委员会, specifically at the Quabbin水库, is also revealed through correspondence.

Represented in the collection are samples of his writings, published and unpublished, including the process of writing and publishing two of his books.

One of the chief sources of his personal and professional activities is found in his diaries 从1922年到1956年. Personal and agency accounts are preserved in the collection.


爱丽丝·W的礼物. 西德尼·N·舒尔克利夫. 威廉·肖克利夫. 约翰·舒尔克利夫. Shurcliff,夫人. 弗朗西斯·P. 洛厄尔(伊丽莎白. 弗朗茨·J. 英格芬格(莎拉P .. Shurcliff),可能 1969.


The 阿瑟·阿萨赫·舒尔克利夫的论文 are stored offsite and must be requested at least two 提前一个工作日通过 Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should 提供额外的提前通知. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or reference@lcwk.net.


箱1Sh 15q90 0
客户名单, 1943-1953
箱1Sh 15q90 0
办公室的库存, 1957
箱1Sh 15q90 0
各种各样的报纸, 1950s-1969
箱1Sh 15q90 0
亚米. Shurtleff日报》 1865-1872

[j]. 沙特尔夫,在亚瑟·A的办公室里制作. Shurcliff, 1949年4月

箱1Sh 15q90 0
亚米. Shurtleff 11月21日. 1886年9月29日. 1911
箱1Sh 15q90 0
亚米 .生活的零碎笔记. Shurtleff口述 11月14日. 1914
箱1Sh 15q90 0
亚撒黑的生平简介. 《og体育平台》(1832-1915),作者阿瑟. Shurcliff, 11月. 1947
箱1Sh 15q90 0
亚瑟王自传. Shurcliff,写 的冬天 1943-1944,加上 1946年夏天, 夏天, 1947打字稿附图.
箱1Sh 15q90 0
箱1Sh 15q90 0
"Reminiscences of Dentistry by Joshua Tucker, M.D."
箱1Sh 15q90 0
“信”, 1893-1924通信剪贴簿.
箱2Sh 15qa 1
箱2Sh 15qa 1
阿尔弗雷德维. K. Shurtleff信件, 1930-1955
箱2Sh 15qa 1
格特鲁德·霍普·肖特尔夫的信件, 1906; 1928-1937
纸箱3Sh 15qb 2
格特鲁德·霍普·肖特尔夫的信件, 1938-1942; 1948-1958
纸箱3Sh 15qb 2
亚历山大·詹姆斯和家庭通信, 1941-1956
纸箱3Sh 15qb 2
威廉·詹姆斯的信件, 1941-1957
纸箱4Sh 15qc 3
J. G. -迪尔岭的信件, 1948-1955
纸箱4Sh 15qc 3
纳尔逊·洛克菲勒的信件, 1941-1957
纸箱4Sh 15qc 3
兰登·华纳的信件, 1942-1955
纸箱4Sh 15qc 3
阿尔伯特·B. 井对应, 1938-1949
纸箱5Sh 19mw n
J. 切尼·威尔斯的信件, 1939-1955
纸箱5Sh 19mw n
“特别”的信件, 1927-1939
纸箱5Sh 19mw n
一般的信件, 1888; 1907-1923
纸箱6Sh 15qe 5
一般的信件, 1924-1925; 1934; 1935; 1946; 1950-1955
纸箱7Sh 15qf 6
日记、 12月26日. 1922年11月26日. 1956宽松的打出的.
纸箱7Sh 15qf 6
旅行期间, 1930-1940宽松的打出的.
盒87 . Sh 15qg
重复的日记, 1922-1955
盒87 . Sh 15qg
盒87 . Sh 15qg
纸箱9Sh 15qh 8
纸箱9Sh 15qh 8
纸箱9Sh 15qh 8
纸箱9Sh 15qh 8
有关的刊物及通讯 新英格兰 杂志, 1929-1931
纸箱9Sh 15qh 8
有关的刊物及通讯 男人走路 地球, 1951
纸箱9Sh 15qh 8
著作:已发表和未发表; 1927-1941
纸箱10Sh 15qi 9
景观作品:普利茅斯岩石; 1916-1952


纸箱10Sh 15qi 9
“南部的地方,” 1931
纸箱10Sh 15qi 9
“宫停车。” 1937
纸箱10Sh 15qi 9
Histories and interviews for "Southern Places"
纸箱10Sh 15qi 9
纸箱10Sh 15qi 9

Landscape work: Metropolitan District 委员会, 波士顿

纸箱10Sh 15qi 9
Quabbin水库, 1940-1945
纸箱10Sh 15qi 9
一般情况下, 1939-1956
11箱Sh 15qj a
账户, 1940-1957
11箱Sh 15qj a
机构账户, 1927-1938; 1941; 1950-1955
11箱Sh 15qj a


阿瑟·阿萨赫·舒尔克利夫的论文, 马萨诸塞州历史学会.


This collection is indexed under the following headings in 阿比盖尔的在线目录 马萨诸塞州历史学会. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


亚历山大·詹姆斯. (亚历山大·罗伯逊), 1890-1946.
纳尔逊·洛克菲勒. (纳尔逊·奥尔德里奇), 1908-1979.
沙特尔夫,阿尔弗雷德·D. K.
shtleff, 亚米.
格特鲁德·H., 1872-


大都会区委员会(波士顿) 质量.).


会计帐簿,1927 - 1955.


Photographs and glass plate negatives were removed from the collection to the MHS Photo 档案.