This Week @ MHS

By Elaine Grublin

Mark you calendars and prepare to join us at one or more of this week’s events.

2月2日星期三有两场活动. At noon, in the Dowse library, Marc-William Palen of University of Texas at Austin will present a brown bag lunch 谈话:克利夫兰“阴谋”:Mugwumpery, Free Trade Ideology, 镀金时代美国的外交政策. 下午五点半制片人安德鲁·巴克利将放映 Hit & Run History, og体育平台哥伦比亚探险队的一系列纪录短片. 

On Thursday, February 3, the 波士顿早期美国历史研讨会 continues with Jason T. 美国艺术与科学院的夏普 & Catholic University of America
展示他的论文《og体育官网》, Community Mobilization, 以及美国独立战争的到来.塔夫茨大学的本杰明·卡普将发表评论. 

2月5日星期六,我们的 weekly building tour will begin at 10:00 AM. 

If the weather is poor please call our front desk (617-536-1608) or check our webpage 确认事件是否按计划进行. 



By Anna J. Cook

一位当地的独立研究人员最近前往MHS,对18世纪和19世纪波士顿地区的图书馆进行研究. She reports that while a substantial amount of research for her project can be completed online, 多亏了谷歌图书这样的大规模扫描项目, 该协会拥有许多早期的图书馆通告和目录,这些都是独一无二的,但她无法以数字化格式找到它们.

在她的研究中,她发现了两种有用的文件类型,一种是1818年为查尔斯顿社会图书馆印刷的小通知, and a catalogue of books belonging to the subscribers of the library of Milton and Dorchester (1790). 《og体育平台》包括大约95种书籍,其中包括一些读者今天仍然熟悉的作品:约翰·弥尔顿的《og体育平台》, 约翰·班扬的《og体育平台》, 奥利弗·戈德史密斯的《韦克菲尔德牧师.

Subscription libraries were “Netflix for an era of readers,” according to the historian Robert E. Sullivan [1]. 一种早期的借阅图书馆, they were privately funded and one paid a fee in order to join and have access to the collections. 在18世纪末和19世纪初, the Boston metropolitan area boasted a large number of these institutions. Our researcher is attempting to flesh out the history of individual libraries. 她报告说,她在维基百科上分享了她的劳动成果, thus making the information available in these rare documents accessible to a much wider audience. 这是MHS等实体机构之间工作关系的一个独特例子, 研究人员在其中工作, and the world of internet-based, crowd-sourced information.

[1] Robert E. Sullivan, Macaulay: The Tragedy of Power (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009), 409.

This Week @ MHS

By Carol Knauff

The 波士顿移民和城市历史研讨会 continues on Thursday, 27 January, 下午5点15分,波士顿学院的Llana Barber进行了演讲, “If we would…leave the city, this would be a ghost town”: Urban Crisis and Latino Migration in Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1945-2000.  克拉克大学的Ramon Borges-Mendez将发表评论.


敬请关注我们即将到来的展览信息 用光绘制的历史:MHS收藏的早期照片 opening on 11 March.



By Elaine Grublin

In the library this morning, 在手稿收集中寻找信息的时候, 我发现了完全不同的东西:希望.

安全地坐在温暖无雪花的图书馆里, 我看着窗外的波士顿又下起了一层厚厚的雪——这是上周那场暴风雪留下的几英寸积雪的基础上的又一层. And I began to despair. 温暖和阳光还有希望回到我们身边吗? Will the snow ever melt?

As a life long New Englander, deep down I know that the melting will happen. 但我也知道你无法预测冬天的天气什么时候会结束. And even with the Red Sox preparing to depart for spring training, actual spring seems so far away. So after drudging through the over 40 inches of snow we have received so far this year, and seeing the below zero temperatures predicted for the coming weekend, I was having a hard time feeling hopeful about a change in the weather.

直到我坐下来看微缩版的日记 Sarah Gooll Putnam (Sally), that is. I had gone to the diary looking for her observations about Civil War soldiers in the city of Boston, 但在浏览日记时,我发现了一些充满希望的话语, 因为她一月份的记录让我想起了那句老话:“如果你不喜欢新英格兰的天气。, wait a few minutes.”

On 13 January 1863, 12岁的莎莉在书中写道,为了走出家门,她把自己裹得严严的,还在牙买加池塘上参加了一个滑冰派对. Just days later, on 24 January, she writes “It is just like summer now. 天气这么暖和.”




By Kathleen Barker

Are you (or do you know) a K-12 educator in search of a fun and rewarding summer opportunity? 卫生部将在2011年夏季向公立和/或教区学校教师和图书馆媒体专家提供至少三个奖学金. The fellowships carry a stipend of $4,000 for four weeks of on-site research at the MHS. 欢迎任何K-12教师或图书馆媒体专家申请,他们对使用MHS的馆藏来准备基于主要资源的课程非常感兴趣, 由文件和视觉辅助工具支持, 在美国历史领域中, world history, or English/language arts. For more information about teacher fellowship, including application guidelines, visit our Swensrud教师奖学金网页, or contact Kathleen Barker, Education Coordinator, at or 617-646-0557.

Since 2001, MHS已经为马萨诸塞州和新英格兰地区的教师提供了50多个奖学金. These talented men and women have created projects on dozens of fascinating topics, 包括《18世纪的舷侧》,《og体育官网》,” and “The Good Government Association and Political Reform in Early-Twentieth-Century Boston.” Look here to view examples of curriculum projects created by former teacher fellows.


This Week @ MHS

By Elaine Grublin

Mark your calendars and plan to attend one of our events offered this week: 

1月18日,星期二,中午12点,午餐时间迷你课程系列 马萨诸塞州和…有什么关系? continues with 马萨诸塞州和法国大革命有什么关系?  presented by Sara Martin and Sara Sikes, members of the Adams Papers Staff at the MHS. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED.  当宣布新的日期时,请检查我们的活动日历. 

Saturday, 22 January, at 10:00 AM join us for our Saturday building tour MHS的历史和收藏这是一个定期安排的旅游, 所以如果你这周不能来, 我计划星期六再来一次.


Please note that on Wednesday, 19 January, the library will be closing at 4:00 PM. 

Our Youngest Researcher

By Anna J. Cook

虽然大多数使用我们图书馆的研究人员都是成年人——大学生及以上——但MHS经常向十几岁甚至更小的顾客提出研究问题并为他们服务. Last week, we were visited by a family from California who were visiting relatives in Boston. The youngest daughter, currently in second grade, was working on a class project for Black History Month focusing on the poet Phillis Wheatley (d. 1784). The family came to the library in hopes of viewing an artifact or document in Wheatley’s own hand.

在向家人简要介绍了研究图书馆和我们处理珍贵书籍和手稿的程序之后, 我们安排他们参观我们的藏品中的两件. 其中一件是第一版《og体育平台》 各种主题的诗歌,宗教和道德, printed in London in 1773 and now held at the MHS as part of the Waterston Library. The second was a l1773年10月18日惠特利写给大卫·伍斯特的信 about a recent visit to London, 她去了哪里,希望能从疾病中恢复过来,并参加她的诗集的出版. 我们讨论了易碎书籍和手稿的护理和处理问题, 我们8岁的研究人员大声朗读了《og体育平台》这首诗,让我们很高兴.

MHS中所有与韦奕礼生活和工作有关的物品都已数字化,并作为该项目的一部分在网上提供 非裔美国人和马萨诸塞州奴隶制的终结 web presentation.


Alexander Kluger赠送@ Brown Bag Lunch

By Anna J. Cook

上周三(1月5日),来自德国维尔茨堡大学(Universitat Wurzburg)的访问学者亚历山大·克鲁格(Alexander Kluger)在马萨诸塞州历史学会(马萨诸塞州历史学会)居住期间,在一个棕包午餐活动上发表了他的研究课题. In this post, I offer a brief summary of Alex’s prepared talk, “What Is ‘Influence’? German Literature and American Transcendentalism,” and the discussion that followed.

在开始为期一年的实习之前, 克鲁格建议研究德国文学对美国先验主义者作品的影响. With this research, 他试图填补现有奖学金的空白, 与许多先前探索(例如)更广泛的主题,如德国对新英格兰作家的影响的作品相比,提供了一个更集中的研究, 或者在德国作家A和美国学者B之间建立直接og体育官网的狭隘研究.

During his research, it became clear to Alex that to speak of German “influence” on the Transcendentalists, 尤其是狭义上的德国作家的风格和思想实质上改变了美国作家的作品, would be a mischaracterization of the relationship between the two intellectual traditions. Instead, 亚历克斯开始思考德国作家的“角色”, or German writing as “objects of reference” for the Transcendentalist thinkers. 他举了玛格丽特·富勒的诗为例, 经常引用德国作家的作品, whom she greatly admired, 但没有任何明显的迹象, 在风格、形式或总体观点上, of having been substantially changed by her reading of (for example) Goethe.

而不是被德国知识分子“影响”, Alex suggests that the Transcendentalists felt a kinship with their German contemporaries, 他们与他们分享了在共同的“沙龙文化”中成长为思想家的经历.” Therefore, 他们的方法和思想有许多相似之处,以前归因于德国对美国的影响,实际上可能是同时发展的一个例子. As Alex put it, 先验论者被德国作家所吸引,因为他们把他们视为志同道合的人:“这些人思考过我们现在正在思考的问题!”

在Alex演讲后的讨论期间, 参与者试图澄清先验论者, particularly, 发现德国思想家如此引人注目. 德国知识分子文化在美国人中比先验主义圈子更受欢迎. However, Alex suggests that many others who felt an affinity with German culture, such as George Ticknor, 强调了在教育机构发展方面可以从德国吸取的教训, 而先验主义者则强调情感, romantic connections. They used German thought as a vantage point from which they could critique American society. 还讨论了神学之间的交集, nationalism, and literary discourse, 所有这些都激励了大西洋两岸的年轻思想家.




By Anna J. 库克,助理参考图书管理员

This week the MHS welcomes Dr. Mary Kelley, 露丝·博丁,密歇根大学安娜堡分校历史与美国文化学院教授, MI). Dr. 凯利是卫生部的老朋友, having been elected as a 马萨诸塞州历史学会 Fellow in 1994 and, among other programs, 最后一次演讲是在2010年4月, 在会议上发表主题演讲Margaret Fuller and Her Circles.”

Dr. Kelley has been awarded the 马尔科姆和米尔德丽德·弗莱伯格奖学金 在MHS为她的一本书长的项目进行研究, “你在读什么,你在说什么??”, a quotation drawn from a letter written in the 1820s by Mary Telfair of Savannah, Georgia, 她的朋友,纽约的Mary Few. As a scholar of 18th and 19th century intellectual and cultural history, 凯利计划探索家庭成员之间的阅读和写作是“在特定的历史背景下产生和表达意义的文化行为”的方式.她问如果书, texts, authors, 读者被理解为“文化实践”,” part of the “cultural labor individuals deploy in making meaning of daily existence.” To investigate this question, 凯利会利用大量的家庭文件, rich with correspondence, which the society holds.

The MHS staff welcomes Dr. Kelley回到协会,并祝她的研究访问取得成果.



By Elaine Grublin


Last week the American Historical Society (美国心脏协会)在波士顿召开了年度会议.  The meeting spanned January 6 through January 9 and brought an influx of historians, graduate students, 和其他历史专业人士到后湾区. 

Many of those in town for AHA, made it a point to stop at the MHS as part of their trip to Boston.  有些人甚至提前几天来到镇上,这样他们就可以在周末参加AHA活动之前在阅览室里花上一整天的时间.  我们很高兴看到许多熟悉的面孔回到图书馆, 以及大量的第一次研究人员.

Over the course of the week, the library was visited by 72 individual researchers for a total of 119 research visits.  在为这些研究人员提供服务的过程中,图书馆工作人员为首次研究人员提供了35次新的读者指导, 从封闭的书库中找到260多份资料, 复印了300多页, and engaged in countless one-on-one interactions with our researchers.  These numbers exceed what we typically see in a single week during our busy summer months. 我们读者服务部的工作人员做得很好.  They managed the atypical mid-winter rush with smiles and quick delivery of all library services.  我们希望每个人都喜欢AHA会议,并希望在不久的将来看到上周访问我们的所有人回到图书馆.